There’s no need to get too creative when describing your property. You simply need to highlight the features that make your home unique and set a scene that a potential buyer can envision. Remember, you’re not just selling a house, you’re selling a lifestyle.
How to Sell Your House
Writing the perfect property description when selling your house is something Realtors spend years learning because there is an art to copy that sells. So whether you’re enlisting the help of an agent or going the FSBO (For Sale By Owner) route, here are the top 8 things buyers want to know about your house and how you should word them.
1. The Primary Features of the Property
What’s listed below may seem like obvious information to include but The National Association of Home Buyers says that more than 90% of potential buyers are looking for a property that has a laundry room. Does your home have a laundry room? If so, are you leaving the washer and dryer? If the answer is yes, call that out in the property description. If each is a well-known brand, give that information as well. You wouldn’t want your house to get passed on just because you left out a small detail like that.
In addition, home buyers are immediately interested in:
- Number of beds and baths
- Total Square footage
- Size of lot
- Location
- Does it include a garage and if so, how many spaces?
- What type of HVAC system?
- How many stories?
2. The Unique House Features
Do you have walk-in closets or a home office? How about a view of a lake or the ocean? Did you build a basketball court for your kids? If your house is in an urban area and it includes an outdoor space, be sure to include it in your description.
And when you write about these features, think about telling a story instead of simply saying, “gourmet kitchen,” or “excellent view.” Tell the potential buyer to picture themselves watching the sunset from the deck looking out at the unique architecture of the city. Paint a picture of cooking holiday meals in your gourmet kitchen and playing with their kids in the pool on a hot afternoon. You want to make your listing stand out by giving home buyers a strong visual so that they insert themselves into the scene and say, “I want that.”
3. Recent House Renovations
Surveys show home buyers are willing to pay more for homes that have undergone major house renovations, especially if they improved the functionality of the property. So if you’ve updated the HVAC system, replaced the roof or plumbing, installed energy efficient windows or low flush toilets, definitely tell buyers about it. Such updates can only add to the eventual purchase price.
If you’ve recently replaced your fixtures or appliances with brand names, make sure to mention them in the property description. It’s more descriptive than saying “high quality” and may add a specific dollar amount to the value of your home.
4. Information about Neighborhood Amenities
If you are in an area known for its schools, be sure to say which ones and their distance from the house. You also want to mention nearby shops and restaurants by name, including any hotspots that may have opened recently. If you’re close to a major employer in the area, mention that as well.
You’re not just selling a home; you’re selling a life. So, create the most vivid picture possible for potential buyers and they’ll be lining up to take a look at your house.
5. History of the House or Neighborhood
Your home doesn’t have to be protected by the Historical Society for this to apply. Maybe your neighborhood was built up around a fishing harbor, or an old cannery is located down the street. Maybe something notable happened in your area decades ago. You want your listing to stand out, so if there’s anything that makes your neighborhood unique, call it out in the property description.
6. Photos of the Property
According to Realtor Magazine, 77% of buyers want to take a virtual tour of a house before going to see it in person, so it’s important that you know how to take good photos of your home. You want images of the exterior, every room (in good lighting), every amenity and all from multiple angles. You should also take a video as if you’re the buyer walking up to the front door and then opening it so viewers get a sense of what it’s like to come home, to your home.
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7. Photos of Neighborhood Amenities Including Shops and Restaurants
These photos help to sell the “life” that comes along with purchasing your home. If there’s a cute street in your neighborhood with shops and restaurants, take the photos at an angle so you can show as many of the establishments as possible. These tend to be more interesting pictures than images of buildings taken from directly in front.
8. A Specific Headline
Your headline should include the location of the house and a specific feature that sets your house apart from others in the area. If you’re in an urban neighborhood and your house comes with a parking spot, or if you have a pool or an amazing deck—these are all things that will pique buyers’ interest and make them want to see your property.
If you’re selling your home without the help of a listing agent (FSBO), writing the real estate listing could feel like a daunting task. But as long as you follow these instructions, your home will stand apart from the competition and you’ll have buyers lining up in no time.