The Best Time To Sell A House in Florida Is…

When Is the Best Time To Sell a House in Florida?

Even as fluctuations shake up the housing market across the US, property in the Sunshine State is enjoying a lot of time in the limelight! Property values are on the rise in Florida and buyers are flocking to America’s favorite peninsula. But even though demand is high, buyers are cautioned not to jump the gun. There are other factors impacting the housing market, and some times are better for selling than others. Timing your sale can make a significant difference in how quickly you can hope to close the deal — and the kinds of offers you should expect to get. 

When is the best time to sell a house in Florida? There are several variables you’ll need to consider. If you want to achieve the best results in your home selling experience, we can help! In this guide, we provide a brief overview of the Florida housing market, walk you through the best times to sell, address any regional variations you should be aware of, and even share the most essential tips on how to prepare to sell your home in Florida.

Understanding Florida’s Housing Market

Florida’s housing market is powered by several distinct advantages. Its desirable climate makes it an obvious choice for those who prefer warm weather. The Florida homestead exemption along with the lack of state income tax and estate taxes makes it an attractive tax environment. It is perhaps the most popular state for retirees and is becoming an obvious choice for remote workers and work-from-home employees. All of this is to say that the interest in Florida real estate is currently high, and likely to remain high.

The median home price reached an all-time high of $422,800 in April 2024 (reflecting a 5.4% year-over-year increase), encouraging many property owners to place their homes on the market. However, with mortgage rates now over 7% (coupled with rising home insurance costs), affordability challenges may be keeping some buyers from fully committing.

The market’s current trends suggest that these steep costs are resulting in some homes staying on the market longer. At the same time, many homeowners are choosing to stay in their current homes to avoid higher mortgage rates. This has kept the number of available homes relatively low. New home construction is also seeing reduced demand, with builders offering incentives to attract more business. 

On top of all that, Florida experiences significant seasonal population movements that tend to influence housing demand. The influx of ‘snowbirds’ — individuals who temporarily move from colder northern states to enjoy Florida’s milder winters — increases demand for homes during the winter months. Conversely, the summer months see more local moves as families relocate before the new school year begins. Understanding these patterns can help sellers time their listings to align with peak demand periods.

What does it all mean for you? Simply that pricing and timing are crucial if you want to get the best offers on your property.

Optimal Selling Times for Maximum Profit

Let’s compare the median sale prices across different months to identify the best times to sell.

  • May and June
    These months are particularly advantageous for sellers. In 2023, homes sold in May had a median sale price of $407,300, which was significantly higher than the yearly median of $401,550. June was even better, with a median sale price of $409,600. The warmer weather (combined with school being out for the summer), encourages families to move, increasing buyer activity and competition.
  • July
    Although slightly lower than May and June, July still offers a good opportunity to sell, with homes in July 2023 fetching a median price of $404,200. Summer vacations and continued good weather keep the market active.
  • April
    Homes listed in April also perform well. April 2024 showed a median sale price of $422,800, but this may not be as consistent year to year, given that April 2023 saw a median sale price of $401,300. Still, spring invites buyers who are eager to finalize purchases before the summer heat intensifies and to settle in before the new school year begins.
  • March
    This month tends to see an uptick in buyer interest, with a median sale price of $400,700 in 2023 and a much more impressive $415,000 in 2024. 

Listing your home during these months leverages high buyer demand, which can lead to quicker sales and potentially higher offers. In other words, the bright times are the right times to sell!

Worst Times to Sell a House in Florida

Selling a house isn’t always something that can be postponed; if you have to move because of your career, because your family situation is changing, or for any other reason, you may not be able to wait until spring and early summer. Even so, it’s a good idea to take whatever steps you can to make sure that you aren’t putting your property on the market during the following times:

  • Hurricane Season
    The risk of hurricanes can deter buyers, especially those unfamiliar with the state. Homes listed during this period might stay on the market longer and attract fewer offers. Unfortunately, because the hurricane season in Florida can begin as early as June, you might find your optimal selling window limited to just a few months in the spring.
  • Holiday Season (November and December)
    The months of November and December are particularly challenging for home sales. The distractions of holiday activities and travel mean fewer buyers are actively searching for homes. In 2023, homes listed in December had the lowest median sale price of $384,600 and stayed on the market the longest.
  • January
    As the holiday season winds down, January remains a slow month for home sales. The median sale price in January 2024 was $403,900, and in 2023 it was $386,300 (the lowest of the year). Additionally, the post-holiday financial strain and colder weather in other parts of the country mean fewer buyers are able to look into purchasing a new home, making January possibly the worst month to sell a house in Florida.

Regional Variations within Florida

The information we provided above can help you as you prepare for the best time to sell your home. It’s also important to recognize that regional variations can influence peak selling periods in different areas of the state. If you live in or around the following cities, be aware of how they can influence your sale:

  • Tampa
    Tampa’s housing market benefits from a mix of urban and suburban appeal and sees strong demand throughout the year. Tampa’s robust job market attracts buyers at all months, making it a relatively steady market.
  • Daytona Beach
    Daytona Beach, known for its beautiful coastlines and tourism, experiences distinct seasonal trends. The best time to sell here is typically late spring to early summer when the weather is ideal, and tourists flock to the area. These months offer a higher chance of attracting out-of-state buyers looking for vacation homes or permanent relocations. 
  • Miami
    Miami’s real estate market is dynamic and diverse, catering to both international buyers and local residents. The peak selling times in Miami often align with the influx of snowbirds and tourists in the winter and early spring. This period sees heightened interest from buyers seeking luxury homes and investment properties. The summer months can also be good for sales, but the market tends to slow down during hurricane season.

Preparing to Sell

When selling a home in Florida, careful preparation can make a significant difference. Here are several tips to help you navigate the process:

  • Consult with a Realtor Early
    Reach out to a real estate agent well before you plan to list your home. They can provide insights on the best times to sell in your area and help you prepare your home to catch the best market window.

Set a Realistic Price
Work with your realtor to set a competitive and realistic listing price. Overpricing
can lead to your home sitting on the market for prolonged periods of time, while underpricing can leave money on the table.

  • Stage Your Home
    Present your home in the best light by staging it. This should include decluttering, making minor repairs, and enhancing curb appeal to attract potential buyers. See the 5 Critical Steps to Selling Your House to learn more.
  • Understand Financial Considerations
    Be aware of the costs associated with selling your home, such as realtor fees, closing costs, and potential repairs. Planning for these expenses can help you budget effectively and avoid surprises. Click here to read about 4 Financial Considerations Before Selling Your House.
  • Prepare for Inspections and Appraisals
    Ensure your home is in good condition for inspections and appraisals. Address any known issues beforehand to avoid delays in the selling process.
  • Stay Informed about Market Trends
    Keep up with local market trends and realign your strategy as needed. Your realtor can help you stay informed and make necessary adjustments. Can Help You Sell Your House in Florida

While the housing market in Florida is typically strong year-round, listing your home during peak months like April, May, June, or July can help you attract more buyers and achieve a better sale price. Conversely, avoiding slower months and stormy seasons can prevent your home from staying on the market longer than necessary. By leveraging these insights, you can enhance your chances of a quick and profitable sale.

At, we specialize in helping homeowners navigate the complexities of the real estate market. Our team of experts can provide personalized advice, connect you with top local agents, and offer tools to optimize your home sale. 

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